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5 Essential Reads for Business Owners

Have you read any of these essentials?

With many of our advisers coming from diverse business and corporate backgrounds, we asked a few of them to share their top must-read books for every business owner.

Here are five essential reads recommended by our team, along with why they were chosen and how they influenced their approach to business.

Book #1: The Gap and the Gain
by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy.

Nominated by: Helen Laidlaw, Waikato Business Adviser

Why was this your pick?
“In business, it’s easy to focus on how far you still have to go (The Gap) instead of celebrating how far you’ve come (The Gain)”.

How did it impact the way you approached business?
“It shifted my entire mindset. Before, I was constantly looking at the gap between where I was and where I wanted to be, which created unnecessary stress and frustration. Now, I intentionally focus on the gains, reminding myself and my clients of the progress we've made.

This approach has made me more resilient during challenging times, and it’s empowered me to make better, more confident decisions. It’s a mindset I now encourage all my clients to adopt”.

Book #2: Think and Grow Rich
by Napoleon Hill

Nominated by:  Gary Reynolds, Queensland Business Adviser

Why this book, Gary?
“It provided so many useful insights into successful people and their attitudes and insights”.

How did it impact the way you approached business?
“Positive mental attitude, persistence, planning, courage and vision”.

Books #3 and #3.5: The Toyota Way, plus Boundaries, Priorities, and Finding Work-Life Balance

Nominated by: Steve Murray, Waikato Business Adviser

Why'd you choose these books and how have they impacted the way you approach business?
My choice of book has changed over the years. In the 2000s I was deeply involved in the Lean Movement, and the book Toyota Way by Jeffrey Liker was my go-to.

As I have gotten older and seen so many NZ business owners burn out, get divorced and struggle with letting go, the go-to for both myself and clients has been Boundaries, Priorities, and Finding Work-Life Balance, authored by a collaboration of Harvard professors. It's ostensibly aimed at employees, but with NZ business 70% owner operators, I find it very relevant.

Book #4 and 4.5: A Great Little Business and The E Myth Revisited.

Nominated by: Philip Wicks, Director and Waikato Business Adviser

Why these books?
The Great Little Business - The Fundamentals of Small Business Success is tailored specifically for small to medium-sized New Zealand business owners. It's been written with decades of business expertise, all distilled into a short and easy to read eBook.

The E Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It is a must-read for all entrepreneurs. The book emphasises the importances of working on a business and not in it, something we as advisers are constantly helping our clients work towards.

The book offers timeless, actionable advice and will shift your mindset.”

Book #5: Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education
by Salman Khan

Nominated by: Rob Dorey, Director and Bay of Plenty Business Adviser

Sounds interesting. Why do you recommend it?
“This book was just released (2024). Education is a foundation of society. Justifiably, there are lots of concerns about the quality of education. The education model [30 kids in a class, lesson after lesson without mastery] has not changed for 100 years.

Khan Academy [Salmon Khan] as a not-for-profit have been plugging the gap for their students for about 20 years. Khan Academy have embraced AI and are of the view this tech is a game changer and why that is a good thing – this is their AI tool kit story!”

How does this influence the way you approach business?
“AI is upon us – a great opportunity if one embraces it.

Nothing like a real life, applied case study to hold up and ask – 'How can we apply AI in our business?' ”.

Did we miss any books?

What's a book you would recommend and how has it impacted the way you do business? Leave a comment below.